Wednesday, September 5, 2012

And we're back.

In Sanur again. I just couldn't stay away. I mean that literally - I would have loved to stick around New Haven for a while, but fieldwork calls, and I need a dissertation if I ever want to graduate. I caught a Cathay Pacific flight direct from JFK to Hong Kong, which is really the way to go; get most of the distance over with in one shot. From NYC we flew pretty much straight north, flying over a bit of the top corner of Greenland befor heading back down over Siberia - I got a photo of Irkutsk from above, all lit up - then Mongolia, straight over Ulan Bator, then China. Five hours' layover in HK, with some excellent food court spicy ramen for breakfast, then a short 4-hour hop over to Denpasar, Bali. Cathay Pacific's not a bad airline: terrible food,but a good seatback movie selection, decent legroom, and the seats lean unusually far back for sleeping. Emirates is still my favorite. And now I'm back in Bali, adjusting to yet another time zone and trying to get some work done, buy a ticket out to Manokwari, and maybe hit the beach a bit before I go. I'm staying at Prima Cottages, which bears adding to my list of worthwhile places to stay in Sanur - it's a few blocks off the main street, nice and quiet, and it has a pool and free breakfast, all for $25/night. And on that note I think I'm going to head to said pool; my poor jetlagged brain needs some natural light.

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